Japan Israel Innovation Festival – Report

On January 13th - 16th the largest Japanese business delegation ever came to Israel, consisted of more than 100 Japanese companies that was led by the Minster of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, Mr. Seko within the framework of Japan-Israel-Innovation-Network (AKA: “JIIN”).
On the 14th the delegation members went to Israel innovation Ecosystem tour. The members were divided to 5 groups based on their interest sectors of AI, Cyber Security, Life Science, and ARVR and toured the specific sector in different geo-location in Israel.
Israel government together with the business sector are building each area in order to distribute the innovation ecosystem towards to the country side and not only to Tel-Aviv.
For instance, Beer-Sheva[1] that is located in the south part of Israel is taking place as the heart of Cyber-Security area of Israel together Ben Gurion University of the Negev[2], where another area surrounding a city called Rehovot[3] together with Weizmann Institute of Science[4] is building itself a Bio-Technology center (Takeda together with J&J have there their incubator[5]).
In the evening the delegation participants were invited to a reception evening at the Japanese Ambassador residence, Mr. Koichi Aiboshi, alongside the Minister Mr. Hiroshige Seko and Israel Innovation Authority Dr. Ami Appelbaum.
On the 15th while the business delegation went to hear lectures and pitches of startups in at “The Peres Center for Peace and Innovation”. In parallel the governmental delegation [JETRO, NEDO & METI] together with Minister Seko, traveled to Jerusalem to meet with Minister of Economy and Industry, Mr. Eli Cohen, where they had “JIIN” annual meeting and discussed future collaboration on Healthcare, Medical Field, Infrastructure Projects, FTA, Collaboration in Kansai, Direct Flights.
Later on, the business delegation rejoined the governmental delegation to an event called the “Business Forum” together with the Israeli business sector, the event was held in the historical hotel, King-David hotel in Jerusalem.
“The Business Forum” participants enjoyed different lectures from Japanese and Israeli speakers altogether, like NTT Chairman, Mr. Shinohara, and Israel Innovation Authority, Dr. Appelbaum, and the ministers witnessed the signing of business MoUs between Japanese companies and Israeli startups.
Afterwards the senior members of the delegation together with the two Minsters had a short meeting with Prime Minster Netanyahu in Tel-Aviv.
On the 16th the delegation continued to “Israel-Japan Power Matching Event”. The event kicked off with 7 Japanese companies, like Sompo Holdings Inc., Sojitz Corporation, Takagi Co., Ltd. and more presenting themselves to Israeli startups.
After the presentation the event continued to B2B meetings between Japanese companies and Israeli startups.
[1] www.beer-sheva.muni.il/eng
[2] http://in.bgu.ac.il/
[3] https://www.rehovot.muni.il/
[4] http://www.weizmann.ac.il/pages/
[5] https://www.futurx.co.il/